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Why Should We Invest in Our Friendships

Friends in a forest hike
Media from Wix

Let's talk about friendships, shall we? A topic far less discussed in the modern world, shadowed by education and career pursuit. Many people would still agree with the maxim that friends, family, and relationships with people are more important than the pursuit of success, yet very few are those who embrace it fully.

We take our friendships for granted, and our people skills for naturally given. Yet deep down we feel that we could be a better friend, a loving partner, and treat our parents and siblings better. You receive what you give to the world. So the quality of your relationships with people is equal to the extent to which you are willing to altruistically give away. And there is nothing more I could agree with when it comes to love.

Modern society is becoming more and more individualistic, and although we live in far better life conditions than in the past, the rates of loneliness are higher than ever as the bonds between people weaken. How true is this statement? I honestly don't know but my intuition tells me there is bad news ahead. If so what can we do about this? Well, still don't have an answer.

And this is what I hope to figure out as I am writing this post. How to be a better friend, partner, brother to my siblings, and a supportive child to my parents. And I hope you are here for the same reasons.

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